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Online Meetings within international projects are held at SSU

Online Meetings within international projects are held at SSU

Urgent measures are being taken to prevent the threat of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in Azerbaijan. In connection with taking the necessary measures related to coronavirus, training, sharing of scientific experience, as well as the implementation of foreign projects and meetings are organized online at SSU. It should be noted that Sumgayit State University is an active participant and one of the partner universities in ERASMUS projects. However, for obvious reasons, foreign trips and trainings within the project have been postponed. However, on the recommendation of the European Commission, the implementation of projects is organized online in accordance with the work package. For information, SDU has joined 2 international poject as a partner: ERASMUS + PETRA Promotion of excellence in teaching and learning process, Establishment and development of Quality Assurance Centers in ERASMUS + EQAC Azerbaijan Universities. Implementation of both projects has been extended due to the COVID-19 virus, and the PETRA project has been prolonged until August. The EQAC project coordinator will be asked an additional 9 months. An online skype meeting of the PETRA project took place on April 3. The project coordinator was Dr. Javier Messana of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare administrative documents and final reports by April 15 and financial issues. At the Skype meeting, the head of the Department of International Cooperation and International Students from SSU, Ph.D. Samira Mammadova participated. On April 15, a management meeting of the EQAC project was held through the Zoom program. The meeting was moderated by Dr. Victor Cordos from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, George Dafaoulas from the University of Middlesex in England and Denise Galvin from the University of Alicante in Spain. The meeting was attended by representatives of Baku Business University, Odlar Yurdu University, Cooperation University, Ganja State University, Azerbaijan University of Technology, Nakhchivan University, Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management, Azerbaijan State University of Architecture and Construction. Samira Mammadova, manager of EQAC project from SSU , Doctor of Philosophy in History, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Foreign Students, participated in the online meeting from Sumgayit State University.