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The project EQAC will provide an integrated transparent framework for the Quality Assurance of the Azerbaijan Higher Education System is in line with the common European academic culture and supports. The aim is to obtain best European trends, priorities and cultures in higher education quality assurance. According to the Bologno reform Azerbaijan universities are expected adjust their quality standards to the European models for a series of formal reasons related to the country’s strategy of European integration. All the activities and workshops are engaged with the European Standards and Guideline which are used by institutions and quality assurance agencies as a reference document for internal and external quality assurance systems in higher education.

With the support of high experienced EU partners Azerbijan universities will be able to obtain the best EU experience in order to gain more competitive advatages in European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Quality Assurance Centers

11 Quality Assurance Centers have been established in Azerbaijan Partner Universities

Quality Assurance System

Common Quality Assurance System Will be created by the consortium

Online Platform for Quality Assurance

Online Platform and user service charter have been launched in 11 Azerbaijan Universities

Capacity building for Quality Assurance Centers

More than 300 quality assurance related administrative and academic staff will be trained

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